
Check marks in check box word mac os
Check marks in check box word mac os

check marks in check box word mac os

It should be the same when you return to as it was when you left it. I've found that if you have at least one item in your bulleted list that does not have a checkbox, then it does not convert the list for you. I believe that when you leave a note, it should be in the same state when you go back to it. It does it behind your back and without any indication that it is doing so. It's not like autoformating where it converts a - into a bullet or a in to a checkbox. Please note, that conversion happens the next time you view the note. At a later time, if you add checkboxes to the items in the list, Evernote will convert the bulleted list to a checklist. If you create a bulleted list without checkboxes, it leaves it as a bulleted list. I do not think Evernote should go and change your formatting behind your back. That is simply the wrong kind of arrogance on your part. That you don’t understand that means you don’t understand why you will DRIVE the power uses from your platform because we CANNOT trust you to maintain a usable product. You CANNOT change basic behavior that users have used for 10 or 20 years without impacting their ability to actually do real work. That you don’t know you have thousands of users that rely on that shows how little you know about your users. If I create a note after the fact for a meeting, I MUST put the create date to the date and time of the meeting.


In my case, Evernote has been able to serve my needs for over 20 years, and you have broken it’s ability more in one version than in all of that 20 years.Ĭan’t edit create and update dates? I HAVE to have that capability. I would suggest you as designers are not actually power users of your product, so you don’t understand the effects your changes have on people that RELY on the tools to do what they need. And YOU ARE NOT LISTENING to your user base, assuming you know best. But your new UI changes have removed MOST of the usefulness and flexibility of the tool.


But, it supports windows and iOS, and that is enough to consider it.Įvernote has been the most useful tool I have used over the years for organizing information. OneNote does everything I need, except it is not cross platform to the extent that Evernote is. I know that because the oldest note in my Evernote account is from March of 1998. I have been using it for well over 20 years. I’m probably one of the longest-time Evernote users. The response of Evernote, and many on this forum, seems to be “if you don’t like it, then don’t use the product”. I have far LESS use for your checklists than I do for a set of checkboxes that I know the purpose of, with a sense (check or unchecked) that makes sense to me.

check marks in check box word mac os

In a To Do list, the default for a list is unchecked, so I can check it of and it’s done. In a shopping list, that is always how I use checkboxes. Some lists again the default is checked that I need it. A list for a store of things I need over time over and over, I’m checking thing and then unchecking them. Most of my lists are intended to be reusable sets of things. I won’t use it again.īut lists don’t have such a single, unary purpose. You force us to use checklists for one purpose. Your new idea of checklists takes a flexible tool and makes it single use. Just do not automatically switch everything to checklists. If I create a checklist, then keep it a checklist - that's fine. When I press enter for a new line, I want a check box on the new line, not everything switched to checklist. If I start with a list of check boxes, keep it that way. I can understand how some people might like checklists and I may even use them too, but please do not automatically assume that every list I have needs to get switched to a checklist. PLEASE allow us to disable this new "feature". It is impossible to add a new line anywhere - in the middle, at the end, ANYWHERE, without the list getting switched to a checklist. This happens anytime I press enter anywhere in any of the items on any line. After upgrading to v10.4.4, Evernote for Windows keeps automatically switching my check box lists to checklists and changes all text to strike-through for checked items. I have lots of lists using the old checkbox feature and I especially like that the text does not change to strike-through after checking the checkbox.

Check marks in check box word mac os